Sunday, August 3, 2008

"...i'ts not your day, your week, your month or even your year..."

I found myself thinking just the other day why do I have a blog?
What is the purpose in writing posts? And why do I read other peoples blogs?
Well the answers I came up with were: I have a blog because I like talking about myself. I write different posts to let readers know whats happening life and to show them all aspects of my life. And I read the blogs of others to gain an insight into their life.

...So I guess that's were I'm coming from with this particular post. I want to write about all areas of my life and that includes the highs and the lows.

I guessing you've all heard of the T.V. show Friends, well you know the theme song
"'s not your day, your week, your month or even your year..."
well it hasn't been mine.

My day:
Well today hasn't been too bad. An average Sunday by any means. Actually it was quiet good but when your in a rut it has a way of following you everywhere.
I found out that one of my good friends likes the same guy I like, but if that's not twisted enough, he happens to like someone else. Sucky.

My week:
As usual I have time for everyone but myself. OSHC has been busy as which is great, but busy OSHC = about 15 kids between 2 OSHC workers and as we all know 15 kids in a small room hyped up on sugar or whatever they ate for lunch just = CAOSE!

My month:
For starters my best friend went to England, which was a great experience for her don't get me wrong but I miss talking to her about stuff. My school holidays was taken up by work, work and more work. It's a good thing I love my job. (My bosses are the best, the workers are great, and three years on the job have given me the right to call myself the chief of all pretzel twisting; well one of them anyway).

My year:
My dad had his operation, which in all honesty stressed us all to the max. And as some wise person told me at the beginning of the year that God would test me through out my Internship. And believe me he has, and I'm only half way through. but never the less he has come through every single time.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm just too busy! That and the fact that I 'try' to do everything in my own strength.

I look at my life and see myself filling every spare hour of the day. I don't like sitting at home doing nothing to me that seems like a waist, instead I'd rather be doing something productive. Even as we speak I'm typing this post and watching T.V. at the same time. I guess its part of being a choleric.
As well as the whole control freak thing. Yeah I'll admit it I'm an control freak. Which kind means that I take over and push God to the side. 'I don't need Him.' (well we all know I actually do- I guess that's a lesson I'm learning).

Maybe I need to take a step back and evaluate what I think is important. What in my life needs to be my first priority and everything else should fit in around that.

And as I make that comment I can't help think that God should be my no. 1 priority and if I were to be completely honest with myself and Him; He's not.
Which is really disappointing and something I need to work on.

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