Tuesday, March 2, 2010

even the small things

Please bear with me as I'm catching up on all my posts all in the same day. The words just float in my head until I have a spare moment to sit down and type them.

So this amazing thing happened the other day, but I have to back track a little so it makes sense to those not living in my head.

I don't know if I have previously mentioned that have started studying at school this year, but I have. And I was really nervous about the whole thing. I've been out of school for two years now and I am going back to fulfil the prerequisites to go to uni and become a vet. The school I'm at is an adult campus so there's people there from all age groups. So fitting in was a concern of mine considering I wasn't so great at that the first time I went through school.

Anyways long story short I told a friend about my concerns and she prayed for me. She prayed that I would find a friend especially a christian one.

There is this girl from my math class who I kinda started to talk to; I mean we would sit at the same table at lunch and read our books and magazines, and exchange just a few words here and there.

Then the other day at lunch she came and sat with me at the table, we got talking (she wants to be a lawyer) and I found out that she is a christian.

The Lord is good and answers prayers (no matter how small).
Some times we need to be reminded of how awesome our God is and how much He cares for us.

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