Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm a mummy again

... Now I'm the proud new mum to my guinea pig Apple's two babies. This is immensely exciting for me, I love animals, and I love my guinea pigs especially. I grew up with pet guinea pigs, but we haven't had them in years until just recently (about 8 months ago) bought some, much to my Fathers disgust (he's not much of an animal person, my mum on the other hand is).

So I bought 2 boy guinea pigs (brothers), who I found out not long after were brother and sister :) whoops (I didn't mind, Dad was NOT happy) Mac (boy, affectionately called Big Mac) and Tosh (girl), not long after I brought another girl which I called Apple. Apple, Mac and Tosh.

Well Tosh started to get really fat... aka she was pregnant. It was an incredible moment the day when I was holding Tosh and I could feel her babies moving. I was so excited, it was one of the best experiences of my life, I can't imagine what its going to be like when I feel my own baby kicking.

About 2 months later Mac became the proud father of Bubble (girl, black/grey) and Squeak (girl, white with black patches). Squeak went to a friend and unfortunately Bubble went to pet heaven.

Then not long after Apple started to get fat, however I though that she was sick and had cysts (she hadn't been with mac in 3 months and therefore either should have already given birth or was not pregnant). much to my surprise and relief she had two beautiful babies awaiting me one afternoon. Rusty (boy,browny, redy colour) and Diesel (girl, pure black)...Later renamed Bubbles by her new owner. (a little confusing I know)

Now Tosh is impossibly pregnant again (I swear Mac has his own cage) I think she is having triplets, and they are wrigglers, which I love because it makes them easy to feel. :)

...I cant wait to be a mummy again, again.

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