Friday, October 22, 2010

House sitting

I have written a few posts about house sitting so far, but this one I hope will be different, because the experience of house sitting was very different this time round.

Not only was I house sitting with two of my best friends, for 3 weeks I might add. But it gave me a first hand taste of what 'moving out' would be like. And I loved it...

You see I live at home with my mum and dad and as much as I love them I am so ready to move out, and now after this I want to even more.

Other then strengthening my desire to 'spread my wings' so to speak, I also really enjoyed the experience of spending a lot of face time with Rachel and Emma my before-mentioned friends.

This might be a weird comment to make but when you think about it you might spend all day with your friends but you still go home to your own bed and you don't see them every morning when you wake up. But the experience of being with your friends all the time and learning to live with there little annoyance, and they with mine was really good. I think it strengthened our relationships and gave us the opportunity to learn lots of little things out about each other.

Over the three weeks we watched a lot of movies, both scary and funny, and Em's favorite tv show Private Practice which Rach and I kinda really began to like. We went bike riding, baked a banana cake.

On one of our last nights there Emma cooked dinner for us, it was an amazing roast, with carrot, potato, sweet potato, and cauliflower cheese (the best I've ever had).

The last day we spent cleaning and even that wasn't that bad. It was really sad to leave the freedom of living away from home and living so closely with my friends. I really missed them the next morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Believe said...

I loved it! Lol I squealed when I remembered what we did lol hear me? Missed you too, twas an awesome experience Xx

Chief said...

Yeah I did hear you considering your sitting right next to me.

And a little amendment to my post Emma cooked her FIRST ever dinner.