Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Princesses and party dresses

Theses past few weeks have seen a lot of beautiful little princesses, and a certain mister have thier birthdays. But one particular little girl made me feel super special.

Hannah B (as she is affectionately known) just turned eight and to mark this occasion she was having a high tea party, complete with little sandwiches, cupcakes, pink lemonade miniature tea cups and tiny little fairies scattered around the garden. And to this particular party she was only allowed to invite 6 friends and she chose to invite me miss Steph (or as Hannah insists on calling me Stephi).

I was so flattered that this little girl would chose to use up one of her invites to have me at her party that I just couldn't say no. I cleared my schedule and went all out. As the invitation stipulated I was to were my prettiest party dress, well you might care to know that I am as tomboy as you get and hate wearing dresses but how could I not. So I chose my prettiest dress out of the two or three I own and wore it along with high heels and stockings I looked quiet the part even if I do say so myself.

I had a lovely afternoon with Hannah and all her beautiful little friends, all dressed up in 'spinny' dresses, cute little food ladening the table with everything pink from sprinkles to lemonade to fairy floss.

Happy Birthday Hannah B I love you, and may God continue to bless your sox off. Xx

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Rachel said...

Aww, that's so cool!! Looks like loads of fun!!

[Fisher :)]

Trish said...

You looked so pretty... even in a 'girly' dress