Monday, October 20, 2008

So many things...

So lately my minds been a blur, a complete storm cloud just floating around up there. So I thought I'd share a few thoughts with you, in hope that it gives me some clarity.

I've been thinking about my future after the end of this year and where exactly God's taking me. I feel very passionately about youth and children's ministry and would love to be a Christian Pastoral Support worker (formerly known as a chaplain). But then I wounder am I good enough for a position like that would I help or hinder Gods mission in this world, In this job. Or am I just over thinking it all or worse under thinking it all. As I said earlier a storm cloud of thoughts.

We went to the Sons of Korah concert the other night... And it was fantastic by the way, bought the DVD, met the guys and got their autographs; over all a great night.
There style of music, although unique and fantastic reminded me very much so of Harold.
For those of you who don't know Harold, he was my step Grandad. But he meant more to me then just a step grandparent. Harold taught me my first chords on the guitar, how to make a backyard sun dial, he used to teach me about plants and birds and he would tell stories about his ever so interesting past. We would make all sorts of contraptions from scrap bits of wood in his shed, take long walks through out the countryside of Gladstone (where Nana and Harold used to live), and make back yard put-put with an old tin and a golf ball. Harold was beloved by his family and all who knew him.
This list by its self not so sad in fact its quiet a happy and fun list, however the sad part is that this time last year Harold went to be with our Lord and Saviour. I know hes in a better place but it doesn't mean I don't miss him.

Looking back this time last year was a sad and hectic time for me and my family.

Shortly after Harold passed on Christopher did also. Christopher was my cousins beautiful baby boy. He was just 5 months old when he went to be with Harold in heaven.

Just to throw a little more drama in the mix Dad went into hospital for his surgery. As I have blogged about previously.

So to make the big fat fuzzy confusion and emotion that happens to be my being at this particular time, just that little bit blurrier I'm so messed up with these feeling about a guy. I don't want to be the girl who can't function without a guy in fact I'm not that girl. But just when I think I'm ok and can 'move on' so to speak; he appears again and manages to tip the boat so we all end up wet and dripping and to pick our lives back up and go on.

I think that's just about everything in the stormy cloud of mine. so on that note I'll go.


LisaBaby said...

Oh Steph! We're going to be famous for our random blogs on whatever's on our minds!

Sorry that a boy has tipped your boat =( and I felt so sad reading about the huge impact Harold has in your life!

Always here for you my beautiful bff =)

Love you to the moon and back hun

Jewelz said...

Hey, I'm praying for you. Pray for me as well. Some stuff needs to be clarified with Frankenstein, and Elyse is making me do it tonight.
Praying for clarity for you!
Love you lots

Felicity said...

Hi Steph,
I am so sorry about that spider by the way! Hope that was the only one?! Guys do crazy things to your mind and emotions, and it is always a battle pretty much until you get married, and then you have other battles and struggles! But thankfully God's grace is enough for you each day (I can't get that Chris Tomlin song out of my head!) Keep trusting and waiting on God - His ways are so much better than ours and our understanding!!

Believe said...

Along with everyone else who has commented, I am here for you also. Not thast it will bring a heck of a lot comfort to you :) We al, have our troubles that are happening in our lives but it will only make us better people in the long run my friend :)
Listen to what Flick said too, she was a great help to me when I was (am) having boy troubles :)
