Sunday, June 22, 2008

There's only 24 hours in a day

I was up awake and productive for a whole 20hours on Saturday!
20 hours that's nuts, 4 more hours and it would have been a complete day.

6 am - Beep..beep..beep my alarm goes off, up I get slowly and lethargically get ready for verge. (pre-coffee)

6 30 am - My lift comes to pick me up, don't worry i have had my coffee by now.

7 am - Start verge

9 am - Say bye to friend (shes going to England, without me)

10 am - Heading home to get ready for work. (+ another 2 cups of coffee between 7 and 9 )

11 am - Start work. Customer, oven, pretzel, roll, oven, roll, pretzel, customer,customer, clean, count, mop, lock up, etc... until 5 30, there was a break in there some where, I think.

6 pm - Movie night at church

7pm - Alvin and the Chipmunks

9 30 pm - National Treasure 2

11 30ish - Back at home, have to help mum finish her assessments for tafe (due Mon). Now as you can probably tell I can't spell at the best of times, so when it's like 12, 1, 2 in the morning and you're almost falling asleep at the computer you're so tired then your spelling is worse then usual. (lets just say there was a lot of red lines on the page).

2 am - Crawled into bed. Stuff PJ's. Zzz...

9 am - Ok a bit of a sleep in but I deserved it.

... Off to start another busy day...

1 comment:

Jewelz said...

She corrected the word "average" in her profile!!!!!!!
Yeah, let's par-tay!!!