Sunday, June 22, 2008

RIP miss chief

Friday 20th.
ahhh... a sleep in just what I like,
well Friday morning I got out of bed and decided my washing basket was looking a little full (that and the fact I needed my work uniform for my Saturday shift).
So I stick a load on and eat my breaky, yum coca puffs.
Beep...beep, the washing finished. I go outside and hang my washing on the line, that's strange miss chief not squawking (yes she squawks, to let me know she wants food).
Oh by the way miss chiefs my guinea pig, shes beautiful, and mostly black with white and brown markings. She 2 years old and mischievous, hence her name miss chief.
Anyways I was half way through hanging my washing out and I go to investigate, there she was lying lifelessly in her hutch. She was so young. I dug a hole, placed her body in, as tears welled up in my eyes.
The sadest part is not knowing. I mean your parents tell you there,s a doggy heaven when your 5 but were do pets go really? :(

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