Tuesday, September 9, 2008

BEST birthday ever

So I know all my posts have been really dreary lately, so I decided to write about a happy moment. My birthday! I'm sorry it's about a month late but I know you'll forgive me for that.

Now for those of you that know me, know that I love my birthday. I love the family and friends. The gifts and the food. It's the one day a year that's ALL mine! Every ones attention is on me.

OK well it all started the night before my birthday, mum wanted to watch me unwrap my present from my brother and she had work on my birthday so she wouldn't get to see me open it. I was a bit confused as you probably are. Because as far as I knew he was getting me a sports muffler (a very 'brother' present). To my surprise he handed me a small box I opened it and it was a pair of ruby earrings, to match the ring he had bought me the year before. After lots of hugs and screaming (the good kind) It was off to bed with the anticipation of a wonderful day tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and it was my birthday yay!

I got my other presents from my sister and Mum and Dad and then it was off to school/church for my internship. (now I know I'm strange, but I love to do heaps of things for my birthday, the more places I go the more people I see and the More happy birthdays I get wished all in all its great).

So I was at the church after my phone going off the whole way up there, birthday message after birthday message. Anyways, I was in the office when my best friend walked in. And she didn't even say a word, I was devastated, I thought she had forgotten. :(

So it hit 10 O'clock and I went around to our youth pastors office where he had a cake waiting. Yum! It got to 10:15 and the other sill haven't arrived (stupid sanguines). So the meeting was moved to our office. Confused?? When we got round there I opened the door and SURPRISE. My BFF threw me a mini surprise party, so cute and so special. There was streamers and a jam donut with a candle (my favourite).

As the day went on I got more happy birthdays and cakes. I had a bible study with my mentor. Shes the best but I'll talk about her some other time. She also bought me a jam donut and did the whole candle thing as well. Yay. So that makes 3 cakes in one day so far.

For dinner: Chicken schnitzel, potato bake and carrots (my favourite). And for desert more cake, that's a total of four cakes. Well it was a giant donut tower, with rocky road all over it. Yum. Lets just say I was eating cakes for days.

And then we had youth band. Which to tell you the truth was the icing on the cake (get it cake).


Thanks to everyone who contributed.

1 comment:

Jewelz said...

Sounds like a heaps good birthday!
I'm so glad you decided to blog about it :)