Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Iced coffee

Mum and I went to pick my sister up from a birthday party.
We decided to go a little early and grab a treat on the way. Mum felt like a milkshake so we decided that Maccas was the go. Heading through the drive through I intended on getting my usual (a coke freezey), but as we passed the sign I changed my mind and went for the new
"drive thru - iced coffee"
(I guess that proves that advertising really works.) Anyways mum decided that it sounded nice so she changed her mind too. We ordered, payed and then drove up to collect the goods, as we watched them pour the ice coffee from a bottle into our cups and fill them with ice cubes.
Sipping in our much desired drinks we were very disappointed! It tasted just like farmers union iced coffee, the only difference was it was in a cup with ice.
So our advice to you don't bother just get a farmers union, it's more cost effective and you get the 10c back for the carton!!

1 comment:

LisaBaby said...

but no ice =(
oh well, ten cents will have to do haha