Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Dads Alive!!

My Dads Alive!!

As you may or may not know my Dad had his heart surgery today. The longest day of my life.

Alarm clocks buzzing at 6am (6, I didn’t know there was one of those in the morning aswell). Stumbeling out of bed to the smell of hot coffee (my Mums amazing).

We arrived at the hospital at 7 to see Dad before his opp. Giving him our love, support and Prayers. The hospital guy came to take him to theater at 8 and we all followed him down to the ’doors’ (your not allowed to go beyond the ’doors’). Looking back at it now, it was quiet comical 6 of us following Dad been wheeled down the hall; walking very fast, almost a jog just to keep up.

Final kisses just before he disapered behind the ’doors’ for what would be a long and teedious opperation.

> He had his mitral valve (don’t ask me what exactly that is) in his heart replaced. The opperation took about 5 hours and there were a few complications, like they couldn’t do the bypass so they kept his heart beating during the surgery (which is an enormous feet in its self for both Dad and the surgeon). But on the up side he has only a ’small’ (about 15 cm long) insition on the right side of his chest and a few small holes just above that; opposed to cracking his chest open (which is the normal presedure). <

We decided to go to the chaple and just spend sometime in prayer with God. And at this point i would like to thank every one for their continual prayers and support. Thankyou! It’s much appreciated.

During the 5 long hours of waiting we took to retail theropy. We started at Koorong were I sepnt more money then I had. Then we had the best chicken burgers ever from the cafe in Koorong. After that we hit Rundel Mall and burned o few more holes in the credit card. (it helped somewhat on keeping our mind off the surgery).

Dr. Edwars called mum and said that the surgery went well so we rushed over to the ICU (intensive care unit) but they wouldn’t let us in until visiting hours 10, 3 and 7. So we went and had a coffee.

3 o’clock rold round and we went in to see Dad. He was on a ventorlator like the Dr. had said and he was very yellow from the anti-bactirial stuff they put on him; other than that he looks great. Now all thats left to do I wait for him to recover.

I’d like to say a big thankyou again to all who prayed for Dad and my family and an especially big thankyou to Dr. Edwards, the leading cardiac surgeon in Australia and the kindest man you’ll meet. Thanks.

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