Thursday, May 15, 2008

Newsboys Concert

Thursday the 27th of March,
The day we went to the Newsboys concert.
(we beeing, a group of about 30 youth and young adults that went to the concert).

The car trip down there:
Three girls and a pumping sound system practicing up for the concert, and a call into Hungry’s for dinner (a girl needs her sustenance).

At the Thebarton Theatre:
Hayley saved all of us a spot in line, the 2nd group from the door! Some how I don’t think the people behind us in line were all that pleased at 30 people pushing infront of them. :( woops.

The doors oppened (10 minutes late I might add). We rushed in and got our tickets ripped, and waited (again) at the side entrance to go into the theatre. Totally pumped, waiting, waiting, and go! The mad dash to the front of the theatre right infront of the stage, third from center (my seat :) ).

Alabaster Box (the support band) were great, and managed to get everyone pumped and ready for Newsboys.

It was a crazy everyone buying hats and shirts and CD’s and any other merchendise they could get their hands on. I got a Newsboys shirt and hat. (you can’t go to a concert and not by some memrabillia, can you?).

Newsboys they were awesome, fantastic, fabulous and all of the above. The concert was great, the music was loud and I had the time of my life. At the end of the concert I was given Duncan Phillips (Newsboys drummer) drumsticks. I was so chuffed. I couldn’t believe my luck.

After the concert:
We went to the northen lights, they were fantastic, they don’t get old. I’ve seen them a few times.

Then... it was time for home. Which was a total shame I wish the night would have never ended. But never the less I will remember this night forever, or until I forget it. lol. (sorry, just my bad sense of humour).

On that note I will sing off for now; hope you enjoy your next concert like enjoyed this one. Rock on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"northern lights"?????

i've just discovered your blog--thanks to julia.