Thursday, May 15, 2008

my very frist blog

Yay i’m in the blogasphere.

And on that same happy note. My Dads pre-op test went well, very well.

For those of you who are reading and have no idea who my Dad is and why he’s having an opperation i’ll fill in the blanks.

Well basically a long story short, my Dad has a heart, lung condition. I would tell you the name for this condition except there is none. Yep thats right my Dads a freak of nature (pretty spech really). Anyways thats a story for another time.

So Dads Dr.s have finally said that he can have the operation, and before the opperation he had to have this pre-op test. An angiogram, yay a lot of fun. Whats an angiogra? you ask, well its were the feed a microscopic camera through a vain in your leg all the way to your heart to see whats, what. It’s done under a local anistetic so your awake while they do the test.

So every thing went rather well, Dad was really nervous and had to have a Gelco (a rehydration liquid injection) beacuse he was so nervious. Other then that it all went well, hes still a little sore and has to hobble but he should be fine in a few days.

All this is preperation for his heart sergery, wich is on April 7th (all prayers appreciated). The Dr.s are planning on replacing a main artery of his heart and this will help the heart pump blood arround the body to get oxygenated, which in turn will make it easyer for him to breathe. (well thats what I understand from what i’ve been told).

Well thanks for reading my first blog,congratulations on getting to the end , I hope it wasn’t too boaring.

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