Thursday, November 26, 2009
People always leave
I had no real direction for my future, let alone next year. And Its as if all those who are close to me are drifting away, leaving one by one..
...First was my American hero; loud and full of love for the Lord. Not only was he my riding partner and friend, but he also stole my heart...
...Next was a very dear friend; one who over the past few years had done nothing but support me. He was always there to lend an ear or a shoulder. He suffered through Pete Murray, protected us at Stella Kart and endured the rough and tumble of city life to watch a mates gig with me. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for him...
...And to come my pastor and his family are moving to America, (ok so there going there to study the Bible), but I;m going to miss them, they may never know how much they have meant to me and truly impacted my life, and there will definitely be a whole left when they go. He was my youth pastor when I first came to the church, and he stirred in me the desire to know God. And his wife is amazing. she is so hospitable, and caring, and kind, compassionate, and selfless, and so much more. And there kids without a doubt put a smile on your face. each one so different from the other they cover all bases, quiet, loud, silly, sensible, smart, inquisitive, entertaining... and much, much more...
...But I suppose the saddest loss of all is that of my best friend. She didn't just leave as such but we have grown increasingly apart. She engaged which is exciting and blessing news, but is part of the reason for this distance. Other then that its the job that keep us apart, our interests have changed, and we just don't seem to make the time for each other like we used too. Unfortunately we are drifting... I miss the old us... the bffs that were hoes over bros...
So the camera is still zoomed in, everyone else is moving at the speed of life, and I am standing here alone, waiting for the rain to lift, the sun to shine, and the sound track to start playing.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Smiles, St Kilda, Slides and Sunscren
Anyways I arrived at the park and was greeted by three of my adorable, loud and excited little cousins. Hugs all round, I really love those kids and I don't get to see them nearly as often as l would like. They grow up so fast :(
First up the giant slide. The three big kids went down first, then I followed with the littlest he's 1 and a half. He hated it and snobed me off for the rest of the day; poor baby.
Then it was on to the castle, where the second youngest decided that the slide was too scary for him.
Next the pirate ship where we locked the kids in the gaol and 'through away the key', unfortunately they escaped.
Our last stop before lunch was the big flying fox the two girls insisted they have a turn, even though the line was sooo long. My cousin took the boys to the little playground while we waited and waited and waited. Half an hour later they had their turns. And then it became clear why I was invited down to the park, to be the 'swing fetcher' (not really, just in case you couldn't sense the sarcasm). I was exhausted and ready for lunch.
Across the road we set up the giant picnic rug on the grass. Seriously this is the biggest picnic rug you've ever seen. We applied sunscreen, and for some of us more of it seemed to get in their hair then on their skin. So cute.
Lunch was good. And the kids had fun chasing the seagulls, and each other. The mums were happy, exhausted kids equals a quiet trip home.
A quick toilet stop, then back to the playground.
One last turn of well everything, we split up and the girls dragged me up the stairs to the giant slide once again. You think I would be fit by the end of this, not the case.
Then onto the swirly slide, and the maze. Then time was up.
Sadly the day was over and it was time for goodbyes :(
Lots of hugs and kisses, I love you's and then goodbye I'll see you soon.
A fantastic day with my cousins, not enough time in the day. The smiling faces of kids having a blast is worth more then gold.
I love you guys. xx
Thursday, October 8, 2009
but those who wait...
I felt and still feel like I have no direction. Like a lowly drop of rain in the vast ocean. The end of the year is approaching quickly and the second year of my internship will be coming to a close. And I have no idea what I will be doing next year.
My first plan of action was to work as a chaplain naturally (as that is what I am doing in the internship). I applied for job, after job, after job and eventually I got an interview at a small country primary school, it seemed perfect. It was everything I wanted in a 'real job'. Unfortunately I did not get the job. After some disappointment, and some prayer I realised that the amount of responsibility a Christian chaplain has in a non-Christian school far exceeded my expectations and abilities.
So... After a lot of crying, confusion and then eventually prayer, I though I could persue my dream as a child... to be a Veterinarian. My love of animals and of the country seemed to go hand in hand, Dr. Stephanie the country Vet. (has a nice ring to it). On further investigation it was a little harder to get into Vet Science at uni then just applying... I had to take a bridging course and sit a test before I could even apply, and on top of that the course was for 6 years, and I was unsure that I would be willing to sacrifice that 6 years to study. So there goes plan #2.
It wasn't only my career that seemed to be veering from 'my plan', it was all other aspects of my life:
I crashed my car and spent the money I had saved for my new love, a beautiful dapple grey horse on fixing my sad smashed up car. Thanks to a friend it didn't end up costing nearly as much as it coulda/shoulda.
Also I allowed myself to fall for a guy, a charming American who had a passion for Christ, and a common interest in horse riding. It would of all turned out happily ever after... except he went back to America. we kept in contact for a while then one day he stopped, and that's when my heart started to ache. See not only did i loose 'the guy' and a riding partner but I also lost a really good friend.
Amidst all this while a good friend was praying with me, a verse he quoted, one that I had heard countless times before rang true.
they will rise on wings like eagles,
they will run and not get weary, they will walk and not grow weak."
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait ...
I had been too concerned with 'but Steph wants now,' I had, and am still sometimes now, looking for the security of the career, the relationships and the things I have now, not focusing on the bigger picture, putting my dependence in God. The Create of the universe, the Knower of all. The One whom if I wait upon Him will give me the strength, endurance and ability to run the race He has set before me.
"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 19:11
I still find it hard not knowing, not been in the drivers seat. (For those who know me, you would know I am a bit of a control freak). But I've taken to praying and waiting on God instead of stressing and sulking about the lostness of control.
I don't know what my future holds but God does, so as He keeps me informed, I'll keep you updated.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Beach, Burnouts and Brumbies
We drove down to the farm with a slightly miss led detour for a hay net, and loaded the horses onto the float.
Easier said then done... it was about 15 minutes of Sebby going in and then back out then in then out how fun... Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian. With the both Megs and Seb in place we were off to the beach.
A quick stop off at the Dublin bakery to get lunch then onward to the 'riding arena'.
At the beach we unload the horses, give them a brush and saddle them up. The horses owners went for a bit of a ride... then it was our turn!!
We jump on (some of us more skilledly then others, Americans are just show-offs).
And off we go for a bit of a walk and then before long we were off into a canter.
The wind in our.....helmets, the sand at their hooves, it was amazing....truly amazing, I've never felt such a rush...adrenalin pumping the feeling of floating and the little niggle of fear in the back of your mind telling you at any moment you could fall off.
They were driving the beside us (got some killa photos and videos) and they clocked us at 40km/ph awesome!!
I've told you about the beach and our so called brumbies (just needed another B word) so on to the burn outs...Well the others were off riding again and we wanted to get some footage of them so we jumped in Stanley (my car, yes its a boy) and took him for a spin on the beach. The crazy American was driving. They were riding the wrong direction for us to get good shots so I decided to sit on the window ledge and video them from over the car roof... talk about thrilling. Once we got a few shots we went for a joy ride. I hung on for dear life and the American drove well like an American!
Then... it was my turn! It was awesome it felt like you were gliding. The tide was out and the sand was hard with a thin layer of water covering it so we took advantage and went crazy.... I DRIFTED!! and didn't wreck my car, it was so, so, so cool and my car was caked in sand, seaweed and saltwater.
The horses were stuffed we were stuffed and we were ready for home... the horses had a roll in the sand, brushed them down and begun the rigorous efforts of loading the horses onto the float. We packed up everything else and were on our way home. We get back to the farm and get the horses fed. The make our way to the car wash. High pressure squirt a major foam scrub then another squirt followed by dinner at subway- for us not the car.
All in all an awesome day!!! I'm still recovering, and so is Stanley.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blessings, Challenges and all the Rest...
And I haven't posted anything really meaningful and from the heart in even longer.
I guess a lot has happened in the last 6 months; some good, and some bad.
Gods been doing a real work in my life lately and I haven't really been listening, in fact I am sad to say that I have become accustom to shutting Him out. Despite this he has continued to challenge me and to bless me.
I was greatly blessed just recently when I was given a cheque from a very kind person at church - this was towards a new car (which I needed desperately, poor Geoffrey was on his way out to say the least). So with a lot of prayer and my dad for advice I went car shopping and came home with Stanley. Stanley is a 2001 red Hyundai Accent 5 door hatch back; a very nice car... (this one has power steering!!). Having Stanley has been such a huge blessing, I got a fantastic car for an excellent price. God is good!!
Another awesome blessing is Sunday School. At the beginning of this year I stared teaching the year 1/2 Sunday School class. I've been learning so much (ironic I know), about how kids learn and how much they actually remember and how building friendships with them is just as important as what you teach them. It's been a real blessing to watch them grow, and open up, and learn, and share, and love.
A resent challenge I encountered and I suppose still are encountering is my future. Doing the internship I suppose I assumed I would go into chaplaincy or youth work or something but it seems the more I pursue this the more doors that keep closing in around me. I went for a job interview maybe a month or so ago for a Christian Pastoral Support Worker's (formerly Chaplain's) roll at a primary school in the hills, but I was unsuccessful; this along with many other application rejections made me consider weather this is the career that God really wants me to pursue. At the moment I am looking at studying at uni, but I'm unsure and in prayer about my future.
Other wonderful news: My best friend is engaged!! I'm so excited for her and her fiancee. I love them both dearly and look forward to there wedding and there lives together. Congrats!!
There's so much more I could write about but so little space.
Headlines on whats been happening in the life of me!
- Horse riding, I've fallen in love with horses; and I'm really good at falling off.
- Music I didn't realise how much I missed playing music.
- Boys when are boys ever not a problem?
- My family; spending time with them.
- Hanging out and having a laugh with my Mum.
- My pets; teaching them awesome party tricks.
- OSHC the good, the bad, and the aaaaaarrrrrgghh!!!!!
- And so much more....
*Ok signing off now. Hopefully I'll post soon...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Camp, camp and more camp
(camp 1 Year 3/4)
Bus trip to Wellington, unpack, and then too the river. YAY!
- ice blocking
- raft building
- team games
Activities around the campsite
- rock climbing
- kite making
- earth ball & parachute
- hay cart ride
Pack up, and other activities around the camp.
- picture frame painting
- team games
- orienteering
then bus trip home
IGNITE (World Greatest Shave)
- Hair shaved off to a no. 4
First Aid course, and then
My Brothers 18th birthday party (late night)
Church and then church
(camp 2, year 8)
To Christies Beach on the bus unpack and straight of to aquatics.
- Snorkeling
- Bodyboarding
- Wave skiing
- Cannoing
move into dorms later.
More aquatics
Surfing, surfing and more surfing
(I got a prize for being the most determined person they have ever seen to stand up on the board).
Surf Life Saving SA (Resuss and Rescue)
Free time
Red faces
Pack up
Ten pin Bowling
IGNITE - youth group
...It just keeps going...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The lost long weekend
A group of us went to Kupunda for the day. Whats there you ask..... not much, but it sure is pretty.
Well we started the day by eating lunch, we decided to go picnic style and ate at the park. While we were there I confronted my too fears head on... Trains and spiders.... well kind of at least. There was an old steam train all set up for the kids to play on and I climbed aboard - fear 1 out of the way, now for fear 2, well it was close enough rather then a spider it's self it was one of those spiderweb climbing frames and I climbed up it - fear 2 done. now that I was invincible the day could continue.
After lunch we went to the information center and had a look around down stairs. There was this exhibit that had a map of Kupunda and surrounding towns, and when you pushed a button it lit up and showed you different things, so we made ourselves a mini disco... so funny!
Anyways we kept moving our next destination the Kupunda open cut copper mine... but on the way we stopped off to look at an antique shop, were I found the best birthday present for Dad, (but I can't tell you what it is because it's not his birthday yet).
So we make it to the mine eventually and we go exploring, it was awesome.... we climbed down the side and went looking, climbing and jumping about. We found a little tunnel and lots of holes, a dead spider and a live one, and lots of green rocks (because of the copper). The mine tapered out to flat ground at the end were a few of the guys jumped these massive cracks in the ground, so I tried too......
I ran and then jumped, (you know the feeling were it's like time stands still and your mind is thinking and calculating at a million miles an hour, well that happened at this moment). I just knew I wasn't going to make it, luckily the cracks weren't that deep so its not like I was falling to my death, but I was going to fall. My tips of my toes reach the other side then I slid scrapping my leg, landing on my hands. I personally wasn't that hurt my leg was a little sore and i had a few little rocks inbeded in my hand and my pants were covered in dirt and dust, but my ego was the most battered. Ouch!
But over all it was a great day out.
Monday, February 23, 2009
So I have arachnophobia, to the point where I screech at the sight of the smallest spider, I start to fidget and my hands get all clammy and sweaty.
Well on a Wednesday in the not to distant past (I haven't blogged in a while) we were over my youth pastors house for recharge (our young adults bible study group) and we were all sitting down to chill out and get the low down on the following term.
Now for those of you who read my blog and don't come to recharge, you should know that it's a very relaxed atmosphere. So were assembling in the lounge room when our youth pastors wife came across the room holding a big beautiful 'ZOO' photographic book, all excited I expected her to show me some beautiful picture of a frog; but to my horror she showed me a giant picture of a gross hairy tarantula. I was so surprised and freaked out all at the same time; I jumped so high I almost hit my head on the roof. I don't know wether I was more shocked by the giant spider photo, or by the fact that my youth pastors wife, actually went out her way to frighten me.
Now my youth pastors wife, is a seemingly nice person, but once you get to know her, her true colours start to shine through, and she really does have a 'playful' streak.
I am currently planning my revenge. I say this as I assure you that my youth pastors wife is actually a really kind and considerate person, who feels bad for scaring me so much, and will never live this particular moment down, I wont let her.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Frozen Peas
So the bedrooms are at the end of the hallway, and the bathroom comes off the top of the hallway. The toilet is off the bathroom, but the toilet is also accessible through the laundry which is off the kitchen... so you with me?? I know a little confusing but I'll give my story a whirl and hopefully you'll be able to keep up.
Just about an hour ago my little sis had just put her rabbit away for the night (I know this is irrelevant but i like to talk so what can I say? - for those who care to know we keep the rabbit in the bathroom throughout the day to keep him cool. - and that will make more sense when you here the rest of the story.
...ok so where was I... oh yes.... and she came back in and was getting ready to get in the shower. Now my sister had entered the bathroom through the hallway entrance, and I was intending on launching a surprise attack so i entered through the laundry. I stepped into the toilet 'room' and waited to hear her enter the bathroom. I hear what sounded like the bathroom door opening when i slid the toilet door open screaming BOO! but I completely miss judged and smacked my head on the door. Which door I smacked it on I couldn't tell you all I know was it hurt. I looked up nursing my forehead and to my horror my sister was standing at her bedroom door. I heard the wrong door opening!!
So my surprise attack failed miserably, my sister was laughing at me and I am writing this post with a packet of frozen peas held against the rising bump on my brow!! Ouch!!
Iced coffee
We decided to go a little early and grab a treat on the way. Mum felt like a milkshake so we decided that Maccas was the go. Heading through the drive through I intended on getting my usual (a coke freezey), but as we passed the sign I changed my mind and went for the new
Friday, January 30, 2009




Thursday, January 29, 2009
Internship 2009
It was a great experience. I worked alongside my youth pastor and the school chaplain, with the other intern, who just so happened to be a good friend.
I got to work with youth from the school, and was involved in youth group, the music team, and Out of School Hours Care. I learned so many valuable lessons through out the year with all the challenges God had lined up for me.
One of these challenges was working with my good friend. You see its easy enough to be good friends when you see each other every so often in just a casual setting, but we worked, and studied together everyday for a whole year. And may I say the stress and tension was evident at times. But we made it through the year and the friendship has withstood the test of time. In fact I think it's safe ta say that our friendship is deeper and stronger now then it ever was. You can just tell we'll be Best Friends Forever.
Probably my biggest challenge was putting my complete faith in Christ, trusting that He knows my future.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
See last year, (as you've probably read previously), wasn't just challenging because of the internship, but also because of my dads operation, and a million other little things that all seem to add-up and come to the surface at the most inconvenient time. But one by one with a few tears and a lot of support I got through each challenge and became better for it.
At the end of last year I applied for a position at a local primary school as a CPS worker. (Christian Pastoral Support worker). I unfortunately didn't get the job. I was upset but I prayed about it and decided not to give up on my 'dream job'. Therefore I decided with the help and persuasion from a lot of close friends, I decided to return for a second year of the internship here at Craigmore.
I'm so excited, the good thing about doing it for the second year is you can tweak to your specific needs. This year, it will be more practical and less study. Not that the study wasn't important. I really enjoyed all my lectures at ACM last year and I'm taking a few lectures this year - which should be really good.
But I'm really keen to get alongside the primary school teachers and build friendships with the kids, go on camps and just help out in any way I can. I'm so excited. I'm also looking to get involved in special ed. help out the kids with reading and spelling etc.
This year will be great practise for my 'dream job' and Lord willing I will grow in my knowledge and confidence, so that when I do get a job I will be more then equiped to take it on, and work to the best of my ability with Gods help and guidance.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tour Down Under
You see we have a pretzel van where we sell well...pretzels, oh and chips and drinks. We were asked if we wanted to have our van at the tour, and we said yes (why wouldn't we??)
The drive up there was fun... for most of it I had my music blasting and the windows rolled down...until I turned of the freeway then it was a max of 30K's the rest of the way there cyclists whizzing past you left right and center. (I was scared that they were going to hit me, they can ride quiet fast you know!)
Finally I got there and we were right on the main street of Angaston just a stones throw away from the road.
Flags, shirts, clapper and merchandise were everywhere and people line the streets, the atmosphere was ecstatic. The amateur riders came in dribs and drabs through out the day, it was great to see so much support.
Working in the gypsy van (as its more fondly know), was different and fun. The lunch rush came and so did the laughs... picture this.... 5 people and 1 converted caravan, doesn't equal a lot of room.
The lunch rush was through the professionals were on the horizon and the crowd was getting excited. There was this one guy (amateur rider) that seemed to be hanging around the van for no particular reason he had no interest in buying a pretzel, but he was interested in talking to me... :s
After he left, my boss was paying me out saying I got hit on by a cyclist, she thought it was hilarious, ha ha.
I on the other hand did not, the thought of sweat and Lycra does not appeal to me... it was a bit strange!
Anyways the professionals came down the home stretch to the end of stage 4... zip, zam, zoom, whoosh, whoop, whirl... they all past the finish line in the blink of an eye the prizes were given, they flowers were thrown and in a matter of minuets the crowd had cleared, the barricades were packed away and the town was some what deserted. It was time to pack up and head home.
I decided to take the scenic route home through Tanunda, unbeknown to me Tanunda had far more train tracks to cross then on the way up to Angaston and those who know me know I have Siderodromophobia - which is the fear of trains. So although my trip home was much more beautiful, it was also much scarier. (if that's a word).
Well I think that's about all I have to report about my day at the Tour Down Under, All in all it was a great day. I can't wait for next year.
Monday, January 19, 2009
- Well the internship finished along with ACM. It was exciting and scary not knowing what my future held. Up to this point I had some idea of where my life was heading from primary school, I went to high school and then from there I started the internship. As the internship came to a close I applied for a CPS worker (Christian Pastoral Support worker) position at a local Primary School, but unfortunately I did not get the job. So my future is like a blank canvas, that only God has the paintbrush to.
- My brother decided to become independent and move out of home, Just before Christmas. We had a little tiff and I wasn't speaking to him. My brother was and is my best (guy) mate. He decided to tell me he was moving out while we were out with our friends, and puft... the next day he was gone. It's ok we've since worked everything and were all ok but it was a major adjustment, going from seeing my mate everyday to seeing him in passing at church.
- One good thing did come out of my brother moving out, I obtained a new little friend. You see there was this stray kitten living out the back of my brothers units. She was sitting there all by herself covered in dirt and grease, by a broken down old car. I took her home and cleaned her up, gave her a name and adopted her into our family much to my Dad's discussed.
This is Tabitha.... ...the day I got her

- Carols by Candle-light was fun this year, we (a group of young adults, my mum, my youth pastor and his wife) went to the carols in the city. We got an awesome seat and spent the night singing by 'electric candles', eating hot donuts, watching the lightning, sheltering ourselves from the drizzle of rain, watching the great acts and the fireworks display. It was a great night and even better company.
- Christmas day was a quiet one this year which was nice. It consisted of family, friends way too much food, corny jokes, silly hats, singstar ABBA, photos and presents. And much to my disgust no apple sauce.
- During this time of blank canvases and the unknown, a few people spoke to me about doing the internship for a second year. This was a great opportunity for the new year and it has opened so many doors so far. With Kids Church and Sunday School, Youth Group, Youth Band and so much more. I'm so excited to see what God will use me for this year. He is the artist and my life is His canvas.
- My boss went on holiday, and left me to run the store. I felt stoked to be asked. It all went fine but I don't think I've worked so hard in well forever. And my boss' had a relaxing time on their holiday, and they deserve it.
- My beautiful cousin came to stay with me just the last few days. She 6 years old and was so excited to have a sleep over with her big cousin, me. We had a blast together, It was Maccas for tea the first night, then I showed her off at church on Sunday, she loved all my friends especially the one who gave her a hug and the one who she's almost as tall as! (you know who you are). Then it was off to my work to see my boss and grab lunch. After lunch we went to video ezy to rent two princess movies and a quiet night in. Then this morning we went to see a friend and had a bit of a swim in the paddling pool. Then it was time for her to go home. (sad face) but it was so much fun and I lover her so much I can't wait for next school holidays.
Anyways I think Ive caught you up some what on the goings ons of my life between my last post and now. I'm sorry there's not much depth and emotion in this post but there was just so much to say. So I'll catch you when I next post which will hopefully be soon.